Saturday, July 4, 2009

Dhoom Taana!

Well thank god!
My group decided Dhoom again was way too much to handle, so they picked Dhoom Taana, one of my favorite music videos. What a relief.
Now the only problem is I've rather lost control of my production to other control freaks in the group and I'm stuck with all the bitch work--finding shooting places, camera men, costumes, and getting the permits from various people. Oh, and makeup and hair.
costumes have to look like this:

This guy wants to shoot it on Friday, and we started rehearsing the dance on last friday. That seems wholly unreasonable to me and I doubt we can pull costumes, a shooting location, and four cameras out of our asses by that time.

It's just a little frustrating because this production is my first and so it's my baby, and I need to learn how to be a little more pushy, a little more director-like. Ugh.

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