Saturday, April 26, 2008

She lives in a dream

(Eleanor Rigby, Beatles)
Well, I've declared my major. As of now, I'm going to major in Journalism with a dash of poli sci thrown in and possibly another sprinkle of French, if I can find time to double minor. Goodness, now to find a school that has a good Journalism program (too bad I'm leaving one that has one of the best).
And this weekend, I decided that I wanted to change the world.
Yeah, kind of a revolutionary statement to make in a sentence. But I plan on doing it. I want to be that girl who goes to Rwanda or Sudan or Tibet and nearly loses her life to come back with a story that makes the rest of the priviliged world realize that the rest of the world isn't so lucky all the time. Or the girl that stumbles across a tragedy and makes it important to everyone. I want people to care about things like I care about them.
Idealistic, I know, but if I don't start out that way, I'll have nothing to lose, and protecting my ideals will make me work all the harder to get where I want to go.
And I want people in America to care less about the tabloids and more about the New York Times. Less about what Britney Spears did on the freeway yesterday and more about how many Iraqis died in the same time frame. Less about the appearance of wrinkles on their faces and more about the appearance of smog on the skyline.
America is a pretty messed-up nation. We are so full of ourselves we forget the rest of the world exists. It's this I hope changes soon.
So IR (International Relations) seems to be the place for me. IR or an editorial on fashion (what a contrast!).