Friday, May 16, 2008

All the fallen leaves will find their branches again...

(The Whigs)
I'm definitely a fallen leaf. I'm looking for my branch but I don't know where it is. Europe? America? If it's America, is it in Boston? NYC? California? I'm really not sure what I want to do with myself these days.
In other less methaphorical news, it is SO HOT here. Like 90s. Awful heat. We're going shopping for swim suits today so we can hit the beach this weekend.
I have strep too, which sucks but my poor body will fend it off I'm sure. It's been through way too much already this year, but hopefully this will be the last sickness.
Oh and I got a job at Borronne's, for those of you that don't already know. I'm working there this summer. Come find me among the other gorgeous employees (that's what Borronne's is known for among me and my friends)!

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