Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Flying Downwards

Emmanuel's story is not too different from any other, except for its start and its finish.
He was created by God as a messanger to the people of Earth. His sole purpose was to fulfill the wishes of those who bid him do their will.
But unfortunately, he failed one task set forward to him. A mother and her dying child prayed for a message from the Lord, and it became Emmanuel's task to come to them and give them hope of the child's survival. He descended, as he had since he was a boy, to earth, disguised as a human, his wings bundled up behind his back. When he arrived at the hospital, dressed in scrubs, he looked around him, and for the first time considered the human race.
Ambulances rushed in and out of the small unloading zone, bringing the severely injured into the hospital's gates. It was not unlike Heaven, Emmanuel thought. The needy came to the door of God, and were accepted unconditionally.
He felt the chaos around him in the air. Pain, desperation, fear--things that as an angel he was particularly honed to identify. He entered the main doors, casting around for the radiation wing.
Following a group of visitors to the elevator, he felt somewhat small. The people surrounding him had intense emotions, he was swimming in them. But he, as an angel, could only feel what others felt, not what he chose to.
It amounted to what we can describe as jealousy.
Emmanuel walked down the hallway of the radiation wing and into room 157.

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