Thursday, February 28, 2008

Everything's Going So Well!!!

Kudos to those who get the reference.
I'm in Starbucks between classes. Jen Park just got a blog so I might as well conform. It's easier than emails, that's for sure.
This week Dad's down and I'm going to Santa Monica for the first time. I hear it's a tourist trap so we'll see how much I like it. Then on friday I'm going to read and watch all of Felicity and hopefully get my Veronica Mars DVDs fixed because they won't play anymore. Then Saturday it's Alliey's surprise party! And Sunday I'm not sure, homework I suppose.
No big news going on, besides SoCal has gone from a freezer to an inferno in the space of 12 hours. Today it must be 78 at least, yesterday it was 80. And last week it was in the 60s. This place is retarded.
Hm. There really isn't that much to add. I'm trying to get into Writing 110 (creative writing upperdivision) for next quarter so I have to write a 10-15 page story to prove I'm good enough. The classes I'm taking so far:
Political Science 41: Intro to International Relations
Humanities Core
Linguistics 3
Creative Writing Intro
20 units in total, hella work. But I can do it!
I'll post the story online when I'm done, maybe Raphs, you can tell me what you think of it, and Jenny if she sees this, and other peeps too if they want. :)


jfille said...

don't do it to conform, do it because you want to! :P

Anonymous said...

"This place is retarded."
