Monday, July 20, 2009

I miss college

Today has been a really sucky day.
I sat around, stared at my computer, tried to organize my schedule so I know what classes I'm taking next spring/fall/spring and for summer school, stared at the ceiling, played with the cat, listened to my mom bitch about really unimportant things, ignored my sister's bad mood, and then sat around some more.
I want something to do. I NEED something to do. If I'm not doing something than why even be awake? What a waste of time!
All my sister does all day (literally from midday until 3 AM) is watch CSI:NY or The Seeker. When I ask her to do other stuff with me she tells me to go away. So I spend all day alone in a full house. College is WAY better than this.
Not to mention that my dad works all day, comes home at night and watches golf and then goes to bed. And on the weekends, when he's not working, he sits at his computer and does boring things and won't talk to anyone because he's "busy". My mom is around, but I can't stand to talk to her for more than 20 minutes at a time, because we'll start fighting about something trivial.
I told her that I'm moving to New York this year, and she laughed and told me the future changes. My ass! I'm not coming back to this next summer. I'd much rather be working in LA or NYC in an internship and taking summer school. No way I'm coming home.
Mrgh I guess I'm just irritated but most of my friends do not lead such unfulfilled home lives. My parents don't know how to parent and my sister only knows how to be mean, grouchy, occasionally energetic and nice, or a slug. Not to mention they don't support most of my lifestyle choices which makes living at home doubly hard.
:( It's been a bad day.

1 comment:

jfille said...

=( I'm sorry. You could always migrate to my house...