Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Feeling the Distance

I'm feeling the distance between you and me.
We said we'd never grow apart, but have we?
It's not enough to make me cry,
But if you said goodbye
I think I'd shut down eternally.


Emotional days are like humps in the road
of life
it's hard to keep on dragging your feet
when the sun's beating down
no one's there to pick you up and you're


Isolated from even yourself.
In a million fragmented ways
I reach out but all I can reach is
the dust that was stars.


We all try our hands at something new...poetry is sometimes the thing I turn to for best expression. I am definitely better at the short story or novel, but I do like to get my feelings out there, and sometimes a story just won't do.
That being said, Emmanuel part III will continue tomorrow.
I am getting my first tattoo this weekend and three of my best friends don't even know.
That's the kind of isolation I'm talking about.

1 comment:

jfille said...

let's not ever grow apart.

and fyi, i love your line about "dust that was stars."